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Medical Musings by LES

After the doctor appointment I had this morning, it’s officially time to go public with my Medical Musings blog, so….


As you may or may not know, I have had three (3) open-heart surgeries, four (4) wisdom teeth pulled, one (1) hysterectomy (TLH) and two (2) ovaries removed – oh and a (1) cardiac ablation and two (2) cardioversions, too.  That’s 13 procedures and 10 anesthesias.

“So,” you ask, “why then, Little Lauren, did you have to go to the gynecologist’s office today?”

Well, I’ll always have two boobs, at least I hope, and they need a little love, too.  So today Dr. S checked ’em out and ordered me to have a “baseline mammogram” and a bone density scan done ASAP.

What we found out with his nurse before doc even entered the room, tho, was that my blood pressure was 132/60.  SAY WHAT?  I am on a beta blocker which is meant to keep my BP low and my heart not working overtime, and my BP is religiously 90/60 if not lower, so I panicked and needless to say told that poor nurse “Oh No, You MUST do that again!”

So, in the other arm, BAM, a perfect 90/56!  Ha!  What’d I say!?

I am overdue for “routine labs” so I high-tailed it (after a client) up to 2021 K Street to LabCorp.  I get labs drawn 4 floors above my cardiologists office, so I stopped there, too.  I am writing this in the waiting room of her office as I paraded in here demanding a look-see & a listen-to!

Lessons Learned Today:

There is no time like the present to take care of yourself.  

No one else will do it for you.  

It’s our only real job that we have been hired to do without even having an interview or buying a suit!

About domorewithles

Wife 💙 StepMom 🐾 Dog Adopter | Supporter of safer beauty | Lover of all things bold & beautiful 💄

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